Archive | July 2014

What About Me!






Some people think solely about themselves, others mostly about themselves and others never about themselves. Like most things in life a little balance is a good thing. Sadly certain people and even organisations expect a lot or else regard one as unworthy or not reaching their standard. This takes it’s toll on the giver/doer and has a huge cost. Worn out by constant doing for others they sometimes even give up despairing of ever being “GOOD ENOUGH” or “DOING ENOUGH TO PLEASE”  “I should do more…”

I have found, as I have become older and a little wiser, that some people just take and if you are a giver by nature you need to take the difficult step for most givers of putting strong boundaries in place.

It is good to give but it is necessary to remember to also give to yourself and this requires taking time for yourself to do the things that give you pleasure.

A slot in your diary for “ME TIME” is vital especially for busy people.

Taking time to replenish and nurture yourself is not selfish and you must never fell guilty or that you are not doing what you should because by taking time out regularly you will find you  are wiser about what ,when and how to give in a way that is beneficial to all involved. You will also develop a greater ability to give lovingly and without strings, so by having compassion on yourself, stepping back and having some me time, you are really helping others as well.

In all things let there be balance in you life is a lesson I have had to learn the hard way.

I hope it is something you already do, if not don’t wait for sickness to make you take time out, start planning changes and enjoy the journey.

Namaste Brita






An Irish Blessing.




May flowers always line your path

and sunshine light the way.

May songbirds serenade you

every step along the way.

May a rainbow run beside you

in a sky that’s always blue

And may happiness fill your heart

each day your  whole life through!

Just for YOU!

… and yes it is possible to have all these gifts everyday of our lives I have seen many do so even in the face of painful deaths from cancer. All it takes is being able to remain in the moment and be a peaceful, joyful, contented observer of our life and  rest in the knowledge that we are here to grow in love and beauty. This is a great challenge but one many people succeed at through practising meditation or praying.  Trials are opportunities. They come and go, so often providing new or deeper connections with the people who support us at  these times. No moment lasts and the sum of them all define us as the unique, beautiful soul that we are. We write our life’s story not just by how we act but by how we react. The energy we give out not only touches those around us but also the greater energy of this world. By sending out loving kindness to all and most importantly by including ourselves, we are creating a new more beautiful world.

Namaste. Enjoy you journey and many blessings. Brita

Already Written

Words seem so limiting sometimes. I so often just have to give a hug when their are just no words to show how I feel. Perhaps we need to develop a new vocabulary I have started one with those close to me and they know exactly how I feel when I say I am feeling “wooflie”
ie a little sad but don’t know why. It always brings me a warm, loving hug.

How we look and what we see

Just thought I’d share this obvious truth that we all so often forget. This site has many other great reminders that make one’s journey smoother. Namaste Brita



The real voyage of discovery
consists not in seeing new landscapes
but in having new eyes

(Le véritable voyage de découverte ne consiste pas à chercher de nouveaux paysages, mais à avoir de nouveaux yeux)

Marcel Proust

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A Blessing Called Bob.



We have a very special friend called Bob who has been in our lives for many, many years. I would love to post his picture for you  but he would hate it. As his name suggests he seems at first meeting a down to earth, ordinary bloke but perceptions are seldom accurate, Bob is truly amazing!

He, like many, would do anything to help anyone but these days he does stuff everyday to help everyone!

Did I hear you say “Wow!”?

What he does is he gives as well as receives. His gift’s are the priceless treasures that lift your spirit and inspire you and when you get them you immediately tuck them away in your heart for a rainy day when the world looks grim and hope seems a very fragile thing. They don’t cost him a lot, just a kind thought and the click of a mouse for they have been sent as emails to him from all over the world by friends that he has met in his travels. Bob seldom sends stuff about himself and what he’s up to but everyone loves his emails and he sends lots because Bob has always been generous. Each day you receive beautiful picture, jokes, incredible stories and today this one that I just had to share. It said on the bottom


“Share this with someone you want blessed.”

I hope you are blessed by it as I was.

Most of all I pray that Bob is blessed for just being Bob!

Namaste Brita.



1. Don’t miss the boat.

2. Remember that we are all in the same boat!

3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.

4. Stay fit. When you’re sixty years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.

5. Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

6. Build your future on high ground.

7. For safety sake travel in pairs.

8. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

9. When you’re stressed, float awhile.

10. Remember the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

11. No matter what the storm, when you are with God, there is always a rainbow waiting.




Little Hope

Had to share this beautiful prayer for we all need hope every minute of our lives and it is so fragile and easily lost.

The Paths of the Spirit

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100
Hold my hand, little hope
Don’t let me go astray
I cannot sail without your wind
Lift my sails, I pray

Lead my ship to better shores
Where I can find some rest
I cannot sleep without your dreams
So build for them a nest
And Place it in my weary heart
To give my soul some rest

Sing for me, little hope
Don’t fly away so soon
Brush your wings against my heart
And my heart will sing in tune

Hold my hand, little hope
Don’t let me go astray
I cannot fly without your wings
Carry me, I pray

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Sing for Love!

We seldom think of babies dying it is too painful, too hard, and the question “Why?” is often asked only to be left hanging unanswered. In my lifetime I have witnessed death often and see it as calling us home as I know we go on existing as spirit. I have seen the passing of loved ones cause so much pain but I have also seen it produce some of the most beautiful experiences I have ever been privileged to be a part of. While listening to this beautiful lullaby I meditated on sending peace and love to all the many women in the world who will lose a precious child today perhaps you would like to also support them in this way.