
What About Me!






Some people think solely about themselves, others mostly about themselves and others never about themselves. Like most things in life a little balance is a good thing. Sadly certain people and even organisations expect a lot or else regard one as unworthy or not reaching their standard. This takes it’s toll on the giver/doer and has a huge cost. Worn out by constant doing for others they sometimes even give up despairing of ever being “GOOD ENOUGH” or “DOING ENOUGH TO PLEASE”  “I should do more…”

I have found, as I have become older and a little wiser, that some people just take and if you are a giver by nature you need to take the difficult step for most givers of putting strong boundaries in place.

It is good to give but it is necessary to remember to also give to yourself and this requires taking time for yourself to do the things that give you pleasure.

A slot in your diary for “ME TIME” is vital especially for busy people.

Taking time to replenish and nurture yourself is not selfish and you must never fell guilty or that you are not doing what you should because by taking time out regularly you will find you  are wiser about what ,when and how to give in a way that is beneficial to all involved. You will also develop a greater ability to give lovingly and without strings, so by having compassion on yourself, stepping back and having some me time, you are really helping others as well.

In all things let there be balance in you life is a lesson I have had to learn the hard way.

I hope it is something you already do, if not don’t wait for sickness to make you take time out, start planning changes and enjoy the journey.

Namaste Brita






An Irish Blessing.




May flowers always line your path

and sunshine light the way.

May songbirds serenade you

every step along the way.

May a rainbow run beside you

in a sky that’s always blue

And may happiness fill your heart

each day your  whole life through!

Just for YOU!

… and yes it is possible to have all these gifts everyday of our lives I have seen many do so even in the face of painful deaths from cancer. All it takes is being able to remain in the moment and be a peaceful, joyful, contented observer of our life and  rest in the knowledge that we are here to grow in love and beauty. This is a great challenge but one many people succeed at through practising meditation or praying.  Trials are opportunities. They come and go, so often providing new or deeper connections with the people who support us at  these times. No moment lasts and the sum of them all define us as the unique, beautiful soul that we are. We write our life’s story not just by how we act but by how we react. The energy we give out not only touches those around us but also the greater energy of this world. By sending out loving kindness to all and most importantly by including ourselves, we are creating a new more beautiful world.

Namaste. Enjoy you journey and many blessings. Brita

A Blessing Called Bob.



We have a very special friend called Bob who has been in our lives for many, many years. I would love to post his picture for you  but he would hate it. As his name suggests he seems at first meeting a down to earth, ordinary bloke but perceptions are seldom accurate, Bob is truly amazing!

He, like many, would do anything to help anyone but these days he does stuff everyday to help everyone!

Did I hear you say “Wow!”?

What he does is he gives as well as receives. His gift’s are the priceless treasures that lift your spirit and inspire you and when you get them you immediately tuck them away in your heart for a rainy day when the world looks grim and hope seems a very fragile thing. They don’t cost him a lot, just a kind thought and the click of a mouse for they have been sent as emails to him from all over the world by friends that he has met in his travels. Bob seldom sends stuff about himself and what he’s up to but everyone loves his emails and he sends lots because Bob has always been generous. Each day you receive beautiful picture, jokes, incredible stories and today this one that I just had to share. It said on the bottom


“Share this with someone you want blessed.”

I hope you are blessed by it as I was.

Most of all I pray that Bob is blessed for just being Bob!

Namaste Brita.



1. Don’t miss the boat.

2. Remember that we are all in the same boat!

3. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark.

4. Stay fit. When you’re sixty years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.

5. Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

6. Build your future on high ground.

7. For safety sake travel in pairs.

8. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

9. When you’re stressed, float awhile.

10. Remember the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

11. No matter what the storm, when you are with God, there is always a rainbow waiting.




Choosing Not To See

This is an actual photo taken in England c.1920 of a beggar running alongside King George V’s coach.
To me it shows how little some things change but there is always hope… Hope that more and more people will not look away from the needs of others but will sit with the discomfort they feel and work out a way to help.
“It is not what you look at
But what you see.”
Henry David Thomas.

May we all start to see ourselves in this picture and then start to see how we can change it!

Seeing Life’s Path Clearly Now The Fog Has Lifted.

Seeing Life's Path Clearly Now The Fog Has Lifted.

The Way Ahead Is Easy To See. A New perspective and time out have helped clear the way.
Please see previous two posts to understand this as I was unable to get the whole post to load as one. I still have much to learn not only on life’s journey but also on my computer skills journey. Thanks for your patience. Namaste.

Seeing The Path of Life.



If you look closely at the first picture you will see a gate, straight ahead, and just beyond the trees. It is hidden slightly by the mist but it is there waiting to be opened. Beyond the gate is a clear open field leading down to the beautiful Manning River This is one of my favourite places and if you were to go there you would find the trees are actually in straight lines making it really easy to walk through them. It is often the angle from which we are looking that changes the scene sometimes making things seem harder and more complex than they really are.

A change of perspective can change the whole picture, as you will see by the second photo.

In life there are many turning points and cross roads that present us with decisions to make. All too often the way forward appears unclear and sometimes even frightening.. A hundred scenes play out in our minds as we try to predict the outcome of our choices, we become more and more confused and the advice given by family and friends adds another layer of pressure as we try to take their expectations into the mix. At times like these I have found the only thing that works for me is to LET GO! 

I take time out, away from everyone including myself. 

You might think this is impossible in this busy world but it’s not! You don’t need to go to a tropical island, take holidays or go on a retreat, although all those would be nice, in reality all  you have to do is to make a little space in your day to have quiet time.

Once that space is made find” your special spot” and grab some paper and a pencil.

Is your special spot a bench by the sea, a quiet park or is it as close as a cushion on the floor of your bedroom.

Think of this time as “TIME OUT”, it’s not about making any decisions, they can wait. Nearly all decisions really aren’t as pressing as we feel they are, it’s just that we get so caught up in them and give them so much energy that they take us over

Let others, if there are any around you at this time, that you wish not to be disturbed. Put a sign on the door if necessary. Expect your wish for this necessary time to be respected. 

 When you sit in your spot BREATHE and as you do notice the feel of your breath on your top lip, really focus on the sensation, as you breath normally for a few minutes. Then starting with your toes clench, wiggle/shake and relax all your muscles in turn working up through your body and when you reach your eyes squeeze them shut tight and on opening them gaze softly downwards, along your nose and take a deep relaxed breath and release any last tension.

Have the paper and pencil at hand and if you feel you have to do something doodle or sketch randomly not trying to create anything but just freely letting the flow take you.

When you feel the flow stop or that you have had enough time out, put the paper away somewhere private, where you can find it next time DON’T TRY TO INTERPRET YOUR DRAWING. The action of drawing/painting itself is what provides the benefit to you as it changes the area of your brain that you are operating in.

Allowing yourself to go often to this space, even in short bursts, will help you become less stressed and allow you to take a step back from any difficulty and view it dispassionately from a distance and from varying perspectives.

I love the prayer…” God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

                              Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

When you feel ready or have to make the decision, go to this quiet space, get out your paper and pencil and look at what you would like to achieve before you begin. Write down everything you want and then narrow it down to the most important things to you. I realise there is a focus on “YOU” here but I am assuming here that you, like most people, put yourself, your desires and needs last.

It seems that for most of us the hardest person to love and forgive is always ourselves.

Take an honest look at how much you can achieve at this time, given what you have to work with, the time, strength and courage you have and then finally look for what is the best, most positive outcome possible at this point in time. Remember time changes most things and a series of small steps can take you as far, if not further, over time than huge difficult strides.

As the saying goes “From little things big things grow.”

Then TRUST,STEP FORWARD and ACT OR…. LET IT GO for the time being or until the time is right and you feel better prepared.

If you find yourself taking the second option on important decisions ask yourself “DO I NEED TO SEEK ADVICE FROM AN OUTSIDE PROFESSIONAL TO DO THIS”

Remember you can only do your best. NO ONE GETS IT RIGHT ALL THE TIME. Accept that you like everyone will make mistakes without the world ending and that if we forgive others they will generally forgive us, if not it really is their problem, we have no control over how others choose to feel.

Setting boundaries is hard but it is vital in life to respect ourselves just as much as we respect others.

I hope this helps a little, as I said, it works for me but then we are all beautifully unique and  have such different lives, needs hopes and aspirations, so honour your own journey. Namaste The spirit in me wishes the spirit in you every blessing. Enjoy your journey!

True Love

True Love

Love conquers all, it sees no differences and knows only total acceptance. We see it most often between animals, frequently between animals and human beings but only occasionally between humans and humans, We have so much to learn from animals

Feeling Truly Supported.
















Today I have the flu. It is a beautiful day. The sun is out, the birds singing and I have been forced to stop and rest.

Sometimes I think we forget to stop and just be. While resting I have looked at the other sites of people who are following mine and I have learnt so much. Among them were true jewels, not selling anything but spreading light, love and wisdom. I have put a couple on my site. The one Hand in Hand inspired my poem above, it brought to mind my family now in spirit and awareness brought them close. There is no real separation, they have just passed through a beautiful door into spirit. I will pass through that doorway, again, just as I did when I was born and the experience I know will be just as wonderful. The process may look a bit rough  ( It usually is and I am constantly  amazed at how strong women are!), but then the smile on the face of a mother,  when she first gazes in love and awe at her baby, says it all.

My husband is also supporting me. The papers are here with a cup of tea  and he is off to buy something for dinner that we don’t need to cook. While my body feels awful, my spirit has never felt better. Many thanks to all both seen and unseen who are making my day!

Such a lovely day even the kangaroos are up and about!

I am loving just sitting watching everyone enjoying life.



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Don’t Die With The Music In You!

71What a title to an amazing book!

The book is written by an Australian football coach. “Football coach?” Yes a rugby league  coach, but he is so much bigger than this box into which most Australians fit him (as are we all- boxes don’t work!). My husband bought the book and having seen Bennet on T.V and finding him to be a fascinating, wise, multi layered person I read it. I loved the book. It says in the introduction that he is a contradiction.

“Had Thomas Edison put enough time aside to work him out we’d still be sitting in the dark.” He’s also a Queensland Father of the Year.

 ” Wayne and his serene and beautiful wife Trish faced the heartbreak of seeing their first born son Justin become mentally disabled after an adverse reaction to immunisation. Elizabeth was their first daughter and then Katherine was born with physical disabilities that left her wheelchair bound.” People who know Wayne Bennet speak of a loving and gentle father who has been a mentor to many hundreds of young footballers over the years. A strong role model who made a promise to his mother not to smoke or drink or gamble like his father, and who has made something extraordinary of his life despite the odds being stacked against him.

The whole book page after page is a philosophy of life, his life and his wisdom. It’s quirky, funny but above all enlightening and thought provoking.


Why? because a human being can alter their  life by altering their attitude.

Bennet says constant reinforcement is the key.” Where do you get it? By spending time every day, every week, listening and reading and mixing with positive people.

We can all learn from people who have turned around their lives. I have a book here called Never Give Up, and it is a good book, carefully stacked alongside Michael Jordan’s I Can’t Accept Not Trying and biographies of Muhammad Ali and Winston Churchill, Fred Daly and Weary Dunlop.

When trying to develop a better attitude, it’s important to keep away from people who continually knock what you’re trying to achieve.

Small people do that, while the greats make you feel like you too can become one of them. Hey, if you can’t keep away from small people, just teach yourself to ignore them.

Ask yourself these questions:

* Am I allowing my life to be governed by daily activities, or do I choose to live in accordance with good principles?

* Am I allowing my life to be governed by outside forces?

* Am I so busy putting out fires that I don’t have time to start any?

* Do I have important goals and dreams I am committed to, or am I creatively avoiding commitments by filling my life with daily activities?”

The quotes Bennet uses are from diverse sources, his insights life changing. His humour dry! If you can find his book I am sure it will inspire you.

Good luck on your journey!

WAYNE BENNETT -DON’T DIE WITH THE MUSIC IN YOU.  First published in 2002 by ABC Books for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Reprinted by Harper Collins Publishers Australia Pty Ltd. ISBN 978 0 7333 2219 8.